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Vuzix Corp. sieht Zukunft in augmented reality

Dieses Thema im Forum "AR Branche & Business" wurde erstellt von Gast, 30. November 2015.

  1. Ein aktueller Artikel aus der USA today:

    "Vuzix Corp. sees future in augmented reality"

    Hier ein kurzer Auszug:

    "This business is finally starting to happen," said Paul Travers, CEO and president. "Wearable technology is here to stay, and when you think about what you can do with a wearable pair of glasses that can connect the cloud to the real world, it really is game-changing stuff."

    "Company's efforts come with industry analysts expecting 2016 to be a turning point for augmented and virtual reality smartglasses, an industry expected to grow annually by approximately 75% through 2020, according to ABI Research."

  2. Heute ist das Vuzix Shareholder Meeting und es sind namhafte Personen aus der Industrie dort und geben ihre statements zu Vuzix Produkten wie M300 - M3000 Waveguide - iWear ab.

    Matt von wallstreet forensics twittert diese minütlich. Beispiele:

    [] Apprentice Field Suite will be deploying M300 with "2" Fortune 50 BioPharma companies $VUZI #biopharma

    [] zur iWear: Charles Zablan IDRA the number of drone flyers has grown from 10,000 to 100,000 since October 2015 $VUZI #drone-racing #iwear #drones #IDRA

    sowie Charles Zablan IDRA regarding the Vuzix #iwear "we want to push this technology forward" $VUZI

    [] der eigentliche Kracher ist:
    Apprentice Field Suite "we have run side by side trials with our customers (Vuzix vs HaloLens) and our customers chose Vuzix" $VUZI $MSFT

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