Ein aktueller Artikel aus der USA today: "Vuzix Corp. sees future in augmented reality" Hier ein kurzer Auszug: "This business is finally starting to happen," said Paul Travers, CEO and president. "Wearable technology is here to stay, and when you think about what you can do with a wearable pair of glasses that can connect the cloud to the real world, it really is game-changing stuff." "Company's efforts come with industry analysts expecting 2016 to be a turning point for augmented and virtual reality smartglasses, an industry expected to grow annually by approximately 75% through 2020, according to ABI Research." http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/...-corp-sees-future-augmented-reality/76545238/
Heute ist das Vuzix Shareholder Meeting und es sind namhafte Personen aus der Industrie dort und geben ihre statements zu Vuzix Produkten wie M300 - M3000 Waveguide - iWear ab. Matt von wallstreet forensics twittert diese minütlich. Beispiele: [] Apprentice Field Suite will be deploying M300 with "2" Fortune 50 BioPharma companies $VUZI #biopharma [] zur iWear: Charles Zablan IDRA the number of drone flyers has grown from 10,000 to 100,000 since October 2015 $VUZI #drone-racing #iwear #drones #IDRA sowie Charles Zablan IDRA regarding the Vuzix #iwear "we want to push this technology forward" $VUZI [] der eigentliche Kracher ist: Apprentice Field Suite "we have run side by side trials with our customers (Vuzix vs HaloLens) and our customers chose Vuzix" $VUZI $MSFT Zu verfolgen auf: https://mobile.twitter.com/WallStForensics